Songs, Stories and Out and Out Lies is a show featuring acclaimed musician/actor/author Scores of fans and promoters will attest it is one of the greatest evenings you can experience. With the gift of a consummate storyteller, he shares funny, sad and tender moments. His loyal band of listeners are blessed, if only for a while, to spend time with a truly remarkable man. Enhancing these great stories is the music provided by Ronny and his band of world-class, virtuoso musicians. T Bruce Bowers and Chip Dolan complete the picture with mandolin, fiddle, accordion, piano, guitars and great voices of their own.
A look of familiarity has helped make Cox one of Hollywood’s most versatile character actors.
His first time in front of a camera featured him playing the guitar in the Dueling Banjos scene in Deliverance, creating one of the most iconic moments in the history of moviemaking.
He has also appeared in films like Beverly Hills Cop, Total Recall, Taps, Bound For Glory, The Onion Field, all told over 125 movies and television appearances.
Despite his great success in movies and TV, what he says he loves most is singing and playing the guitar.
According to him, nothing cuts through to the heart like music.
The acting experience simply enhances his musical and song-writing skills.
He knows a song has to provide a visual and tickle the listener’s imagination as he or she is
taken away from everyday troubles to a laugh, a sigh and maybe a tear here and there.
For years he has been traveling America telling audiences all about his life, his career, his experiences behind the scenes of some of his films and TV shows and his philosophy. Kind of sounds like Will Rogers, doesn’t it? Well, there could be a connection. The difference is, Ronny tells a story, and then sings about it. The "Songs and Storie"s in the title of this show are obvious. The "Out and Out Lies"?….that’s up to you to figure out. Which story is true? Which story is Ronny just putting out there for the fun of it? Songs, Stories and Out and Out Lies is a family experience like no other.
"I have found very few artists that have such a compelling natural ability to engage an
audience quicker than Ronny Cox. His warm and amiable nature is genuinely cordial,
and a seasoned complement to his musical performance...." -- Ron Jewell. Director, Bartlett
Performing Arts and Conference Center, Bartlett, Tn.