World Folk Music Association
Side by Side Aloha Concert
September 26, 2015
Ticket Order Form

(Please print)
Name:_____________________________________________ Mem. # _________


City:________________________________________ State: ____      Zip:___________

Phone: Day (      ) __________________  Evening: (      ) __________________

email address __________________________________________

Please send: _____ General Admission Tickets		@ $26.00 =	$ ______

I wish to become a FRIEND OF FOLK MUSIC by making a tax deductible 
$35 contribution to the World Folk Music Association  [  ]renewal	$ ______

Service Charge              						$ __3.50

						TOTAL AMOUNT DUE	$ ______
Card # __________________________________________________  Exp. Date ___________

Signature: _____________________________________________________________
		(only if using credit card)
Please return this form to:
WFMA, PO Box 83583, Gaithersburg, MD 20883.
Tickets will not be mailed.  All tickets will be held at Will Call. (Pick up after 5PM, day of show.)