picture of June Showcase


picture of Barbara Martin

It’s easy to be wary when a musician is described with a long string of superlatives.  But one listen to singer-songwriter and you will believe what the critics say about her.  Witty.  Intelligent.  Sultry.  Down-to-earth.  Insightful.  Ironic.   Polished.  Slice-of-life.  Sensitive.  Provocative.  The list goes on.   is the real deal; a true renaissance woman in genres prone to stereotypes and pigeon-holes.  Barbara’s soulful voice and skillful songwriting reveal the essence of her life experience.  And in that very honest and open place, Barbara Martin doesn’t just entertain us; she helps us remember how to dream.

Over a career spanning more than twenty years, Barbara has covered a lot of musical ground, unafraid to explore new territory at each turn.  In the early years, she performed country, folk, New-Wave rock and toured the singer-songwriter circuit.  But when Barbara began listening to Bessie Smith, Sippie Wallace and Billie Holiday and working with blues and jazz guitarist Mac Walter and bassist Steve Wolf in the early 90’s, she realized blues and jazz were her musical raison d'ętre.

Today Barbara is best known not only for being an accomplished vocal interpreter of the great jazz and blues standards; but also for her ability to stretch the boundaries of the female jazz and blues singer image.  She writes award-winning songs.  She plays guitar.  She collaborates with other acclaimed artists to produce engaging live shows and music education programs.  She’s as comfortable in a New York cabaret show or a major venue like The Kennedy Center as she is in an intimate house concert or a bohemian cafe.  Barbara Martin’s comfort with all these sides of herself and the way she articulates it in song shows us that being true to ourselves is the fulfillment of our oft life-diverted dreams.

picture of Eli Lev & Megan Leigh
with Megan Leigh

Global citizen and neo-folk singer is making the world a smaller place, one song at a time.  Eli pens hymns for everyday enlightenment — songs that resonate because they’re heartfelt, earthy, and offer wisdom culled from self-discovery.

His latest album, Way Out West, has been featured on CBS Radio, Buzz Feed, and Paste Magazine for its blend of country, folk, Americana, soul, and pop, while being free from any specific tradition.

In performance, his infectious musicality, commitment to deep grooves, and playful charisma foster an immersive experience for the audience that moves bodies and opens hearts. “The most meaningful thing for me is being able to express what I always felt about humanity through my music.  I want to bring people in, make them feel special, and break down the walls that keep us apart.”

picture of Lynn Hollyfield & Dave Abe
with Dave Abe

Blend a powerful singer, crisp acoustic guitar player and a heartfelt observer of the world and you have singer-songwriter,  Her "indie-folk-pop style" (Leicasterbangs, UK) reflects an infusion of many influences including great jazz artists, such as Ella Fitzgerald, to contemporary influences of John Hiatt, Shawn Colvin and CSNY.  The resulting blend~her own voice mingling wit, a silky sweetness and thoughtful reverie to her songwriting and performance.  Hollyfield has two solo recordings, Layers (2010) and In the Balance (2014).  Both recordings listed in the Top Albums of the year-Folk DJ Listserve and received numerous Washington Area Music Award nominations including Album, Songwriter and Artist of the Year. "Some artists are known for their voice or their delivery or maybe their songs or for their guitar playing.  Lynn is not just 'some artist.'  She delivers ALL of these with depth and clarity, one gorgeous song at a time." Ruthie Logsdon