This series began In December of 1983, as an effort to provide oportunities for up-and-coming folk artists to perform for folk-friendly audiences. More than 800 performers appeared on Music Americana Showcases, including These showcases have helped to make the Washington, DC area one of the best areas in the country for folk performers and listeners alike. As a result we have seen the formation of dozens of new folk music venues, including restaurants, coffee houses, churches, and house concerts. In 1998 the World Folk Music Association decided to bring this 15 year long concert series to a close and devote its resources to promoting folk music in other ways. The 15th Anniversary Showcase at Bad Habits was the final concert in this series.
Between 1988 and 1993, WFMA released a series of 23 cassettes of highlights of these showcases. In 2005, WFMA began re-releasing some of these recordings on CD, beginning with Funny Folk Songs by Funny Folk.